Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2012


 In three years I will have gratuated and have to decide what I want to do after school.
I am not sure yet, so My furture is "open".


When I was younger I did athletics, but i then switched to hockey because i wanted to play in a team. I think a team sport is a lot of fun and you win and loose as a group, and not alone!
When i was in the hockey team I learned a lot about team work and helped my team to win...

Montag, 15. Oktober 2012

Education :)

For me education is really important and i think if you have the oppotunity to get education and be able to attend school you can be really happy! Education mostly almost affect your life in the future, if your education is bad, you dont have big oppotunitie to get a great jobs, thats just how it is today(not always).
I personaly think school is ok from the fun side, but on the otherhand when i think about it, i really like it, because i learn new stuff and its not always stuff i want to study but there is stuff that is really interesting. In addition what you learn can make you unique, and in school you are together with other people and can communicate with them and publish and discuss your opinions.

Freitag, 12. Oktober 2012

Memorable Moment

A really memorable moment in my life was, when my grandfather died. I loved him, and then he just was gone. From that I learned that you always have to enjoy the moments you have with the persons you love, because one day they will be gone.